
Previously, on 'The Internet' #1

My Twitter bio states: Reading the internet since 2001. NO SPOLIERS. Based on a joke (ok, not really) about what I'm currently reading, which is always and forever, the internet. I'm about 50% done guys! Previously, on 'The Internet', is a weekly listicle of what I eyeballed. Down to business.

  • As someone who reads cookbooks like fiction, I found these instructions and conversation about pure, unadulterated chocolate in the form of Rose Levy Beranbaum’s Chocolate Oblivion Truffle Torte, very comforting. 
'To me, I don’t want good enough, I want it to be as good as it can be.'
          Life goalz y'all. I need to make this stat.
  • Whilst we're on food, let's go to the white stuff and talk about Mayonnaise. One of my favourite people on and off the internet retweeted this very sweet story of mayonnaise and family secrets of the mashed potato variety.
  • Maria Konnikova wrote a fascinating piece on resilience over at at The New Yorker. How we frame and react to the world around us has a massive bearing on where we end up. Can we teach the cognitive skills required?
  • My first reaction to this guy starting a fortnightly 'kibbutz' with friends (conversation topic included) was... really? But after a discussion in my house about male friendships and their differences to my female ones, I'm wondering if he might be onto to something.

'Maybe the CDC should cut to the chase and issue warnings about men. After all men are the main source of violence against women (and for that matter the main source of violence against men). Imagine the language! Use of a man may result in pregnancy or injury; men should be used with caution. Assess each man carefully for potential risks. Be careful about using men with alcohol. Maybe they should come with warning labels?'

  • Related to using men with caution is this piece over at The Pool for a friend in an emotionally abusive relationship, and a 2 minute read that every woman can relate to entitled To Men I Love, About Men Who Scare Me
  • Try not to cry at this, on what it feels like when you're brother is gone, and maybe be uplifted by how we can start thinking more about our own death to be happier.
  • Alternatives to Resting Bitch Face is my new jam. 'Yes I Really Do Just Want to Sit Here and Read My Book Unmolested Face' *clapping emoji*
  • Meanwhile, offline... It was a week of 1st episodes. The People vs OJ Simpson which was really well done and a who's who of TV royalty. The opener of Judd Apatows Love which I was sadly 'meh' about but will give another chance because Gillian Jacobs. I really wasn't into much style, not enough substance? And Limitless was a fun, easy binge watch.
  • I listened to a few episode of the new Susie Orbachs 'In Therapy' which is compelling and uncomfortable all at once, and I think I'm done with Serial 2. I'm late to the party (by years) but I discovered the beautiful tones of Gillian Welch.

What did you get up to on the interwebs this week?


  1. Finally read that mayo article. It is fantastic. LOLzing so hard at "Mustard people", and growing up in the tropics where there is sometimes a slim regard for food hygiene, I can identify with the fear of mayo salads. At a BBQ, NEVER EAT THE POTATO SALAD. I have come to love mayo late in life, it is one of the wonderful things my husband brought me to.

  2. That mayo article is hilarious. Like Elle, I grew up with a healthy fear of mayonnaise salads served at picnics/large gatherings. I was literally the only one of several hundred people to *not* get food poisoning after a party in Brasil because I didn't eat the mayo-based salad. It certainly has its place - a BLT is not a BLT without at least a little mayo - but I definitely prefer mustard. It has tang. Maybe I should make it at home once; that could change my mind.

  3. Guys, I really can't believe the difference in Mayo salad views due to geography. It would ALWAYS be the first thing I went for. Where do we stand on coleslaw...?!
